Sunday, October 19, 2014

Volunteering again at the local food kitchen

We recruited a few more team members to join us at Mary's Kitchen in the city of Orange over the weekend. Mary's Kitchen is an all volunteer organization that provides food and services to the homeless of Orange County.

Our team members helped prepare a hot lunch for community members in need. They also packed sack lunches to pass out. After preparing the meals they greeted and served the locals who came by.

Thank you to Mary's Kitchen for allowing us to participate. And thank you to our team for being willing to give up their time and energy on a Saturday morning.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Volunteering at Mary's Kitchen in Orange

We had a great Saturday morning at Mary's Kitchen in Orange. We spent the day preparing sack lunches, and a hot lunch for community members in need. Then we served the meal and helped clean up the kitchen. Thank you so much for allowing us to participate!